02-28-25 Spiritual Aging: Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.
“A human being would certainly not grow to be seventy or eighty years old if this longevity had no meaning for the species.”-Carl Jung
“Spiritual aging argues that the primary task of development in the second half of life is to achieve some degree of detachment from all the busyness, frenzy, and overactivity that defines success in earlier life stages to make space for new life to emerge. We regret less and appreciate more. And there are moments when we dissolve completely into a state of joy for no reason, feeling in the very marrow of our bones that all is well in the world.” -Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.
Dr.Carol Orsborn is the author of 36 books about life stage and spiritual development and the guiding force behind the Spiritual Aging Study and Support Group movement, small in-person and online gatherings of old souls meeting around the world. She is an internationally-recognized thought leader on the fulfillment of the human potential through all life stages. carolorsborn.com
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