11-08-17 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Ellen Tadd author of The Infinite View which may help you connect to your own inner guidance connecting a spiritual and human presence while offering ways to go within the silence of being and hear the hum of your heart and the Universe. Ellen Tadd a revered clairvoyant counselor for 40 years whose work has been supported by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, the Marion Institute, Deepak Chopra, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences among others, advises readers that instead of relying on intellect or instinct, they should learn to perceive their circumstances through an objective lens which she refers to as the “third eye.” We will see how by developing skills of deep focus and deep listening we can tune into others in order to understand their perspectives and needs and learn to integrate spiritual practices into our normal daily. We can build on genuine positivity in order to protect ourselves from negative surroundings nurturing ways to clear away distorted perceptions, beliefs, and ingrained limiting childhood patterns of behavior. www.ellentadd.com