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02-15-18  Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Brian Peyton Joyner author of The Wisdom of Stones, an interesting story of a grandson and grandfather, his interracial relationship and a boy who would be a Southern Baptist Preacher but can’t pray away the gay. Brian Peyton Joyner tells a fictional story of a college senior who promised God he would be a Southern Baptist preacher in return for God sparing his Mee Maw. Now, on the cusp of receiving a scholarship to the seminary, unless he can pray away the gay” that path may not be an option for him. Ben’s upbringing by his grandmother and grandfather after the death of his mother and abandonment by his father, and learning of his Grandpa’s interracial relationship in the 1930’s he learned to live by his own rules, courageously and honestly. Life we will learn is often influenced by the people and events that shape and mold our perceptions of reality and learning, ultimately, what is true for you might not be true for me.

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