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09-11-18 Radical Transformational Leadership: What does this imply? Guest Speaker: Bridget Horkan

Transformative results for humanity across cultures

Knowing who we are, sourcing our universal values and wisdom constantly for courageous strategy and compassionate action, brings enduring results and ensuing dignity for all human beings. When we loosen the stranglehold of exclusive and divisive social identities, we create a vibrant and peaceful future for ourselves, for one another, and for generations to come.

A fundamental question for us all is: Are we humans more than a compilation of social characteristics? Or are we profound conscious human beings?

This work and praxis allows us to see that our personal selves are not separate from our professional and political selves in all cultures; and that everyone can contribute to radical transformation. Significant change is possible by starting where you are standing, by designing for results with specificity and by doing things differently, anchored in universal values. Each of us have the power to make a difference no matter what level of formal or informal leadership role we have, through the way we nurture our families, the conversations we shift in our communities, societies and workplace. We will share examples of how ordinary people are courageously creating extraordinary change, inspiring us to act and generate transformative results. Let’s ask ourselves: will we, each one of us, answer the call to generate equitable and sustainable futures?

Tenth Episode: Guest in the 2nd segment: Bridget Horkan

Bio: Bridget Horkan grew up as the eldest of a big family in the west coast of Ireland which brought her into early leadership and a strong sense of collectivity and interdependence. She was shaped by a strong sense of justice and the values of care and service to the whole. A formative turning point in her life was as an aid worker in post genocide Rwanda, this experience shook her to the core and cracked open an intense period of questioning both world order and her own internal conditioned patterning.

There was a profound resonance the first time she heard the charter of the international township of Auroville with its call for human unity with constant inner and outer progress at its core. She recognised it was also her dream and held the potential for progress and evolution. Bridget move to Auroville in 2005 and has co-founded Thamarai projects a series of educational platforms dedicated to fostering full potential in local communities.

The stewardship for new emergence work has given her the ability to be passionate about what she really cares about, to align this to what she sees as needing to change in the world and in giving her the resources for value based action. She has seen the youth that are the Thamarai team unfold through this work and move from dependency to see themselves as instruments of change in their communities. The stewardship training was pivotal in shaping a series of educational projects, a campaign aimed to tackle addiction and violence and in opening up a space of equality and opportunity for the workers of Auroville.

Bridget aspires to dedicate her life to unfolding potential and she is committed to working for the fullest that she and other can be.

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