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01-07-21 Global Healing Series: Inspiration for Prosperous 2021

Diane shares inspiration to empower us for a prosperous year in 2021.  This episode was recorded on New Year’s Eve for a special unique flare.  Diane reminds us that all the challenges in our lives are an opportunity to evolve and grow.  She encourages us to find the beauty amidst the chaos when everything feels like it is falling apart or overwhelming emotions take over.  She digs up her courage to go deeper into the truth about PTSD and sensory overload.  She helps us realize that all of these emotions flare during the holidays and stressful times.  She inspires us to use music to shift our emotions and release the stress.  In the second half of the episode she takes us through a self-love morning routine to start our days with a prosperous and grateful attitude.  She encourages me to focus on this self-love daily for a prosperous and joyful new year.  The strategies she uses help release stress, tension and pain.  They also help calm your bind and energize your body.  Some of the symptoms she covers in this routine are: headaches, arthritis (hand pain), neck/shoulder pain, throat and TMJ.  She also guides us through a meditation to connect with our gratitude, find forgiveness and connect with our prosperity.  She invites you to sponsor her new venture to launch a non-profit in 2021 to support special needs children and children facing hardships with multisensory mindfulness strategies and mood boxes.

The Truth about IBS and Anxiety: Erasing The Symptoms Effortlessly by Services LLC. Learn more here:

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