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Look for the Good Carrie Rowan11-07-22 Professor of Happiness & Joy and Guest Tam Veilleux

Tune in to Episode #5 of Look for the Good with Carrie Rowan, Professor of Happiness & Joy.  What an exciting episode devoted to talking about our beliefs and how they are all wrapped up in the stories we tell.  Carrie opens the show explaining where some of our disempowering beliefs come from and how they usually get lodged in us at an early age when we are just trying to make sense of the world. She goes on to give a few tips and questions you can ask yourself to find a story or belief that is no longer serving you, so you can release it and feel the freedom and joy that comes with letting it go.

The second half of the show we get to hear a high vibe discussion with Tam Veilleux an Artist, Alchemist and Astro Junkie who chimes in with her take on our belief systems, or BS as Tam politely calls them!  She shares a very powerful story of one of the first limiting beliefs that she remembers installing into her BS and how it affected her life for years after that. Stay tuned to see how she got rid of that belief with a technique you can use at home as well!  The discussion winds back around to find out how to install positive beliefs and actually stack them in your nervous system so you can access them at will. Tam introduces us to her Energy Almanac which is being launched next week and is in its 5th year of printing. This beautifully colorful, artsy almanac is a powerful tool that gives you 52 weekly astrology predictions as well as curated holistic resources so you can Plan according to the Planets! Get your copy at

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