03-22-24 Powering Change: Tabitha Scott
Change management is a myth. What worked for leaders in the past cannot successfully guide us into the future, and adaptability at today’s accelerated pace of change cannot be achieved with traditional business methods. Just “going faster” is no longer enough. What if you had the secret to unleashing greater potential, productivity, and profits that flow with change instead of chasing it? Blending lessons from physics, bioscience, and nature with intriguing organizational research, engaging business case studies, and current statistics… this is Powering Change.
Tabitha is a business futurist and catalyst for positive change who helps people leverage the power of nature to uncover their potential. She is also a global speaker, bestselling author, and nature lover. With executive leadership in three $10+ billion global organizations, Tabitha has a proven track record in organizational transformation, innovation, and sustainable solutions. Named as one of the Top 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022, Tabitha is a contributor to the 2023 Forbes Business Council and was honored at the White House as part of its Energy Data Initiative. www.TabithaScott.com
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