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Secrets of Happily Ever After with Monica Tanner10-05-23 How to Unlock the Power of Intimacy to Create an Extraordinary Relationship

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of a fulfilling marriage? Do you want to experience the kind of intimacy that brings joy, connection, and passion into all your relationships? My own journey towards building this intimacy was filled with challenges, hard times, and mistakes. Yet, with understanding, commitment, effort, resilience, and stamina, I discovered the essence of a truly intimate relationship.

In this episode, I’m talking about some of my personal breakthrough moments and the secret project I promised to share with you this week!

In the second half of the episode, I’m chatting with my friends, Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo of ONE Extraordinary Marriage about their experience going from the brink of divorce to creating the top marriage podcast on Apple Podcasts and developing the 6 Pillars of Intimacy® Framework. We’re discussing their six pillars of intimacy and how these can serve as a roadmap for couples looking to refocus, take action, and experience success in their relationships.

We’re also talking about our newest project – the Unlock the Power of Intimacy Summit. We’re bringing together an incredible group of experts, each with a unique skill set and a shared passion for enriching marriages. This summit is designed to equip couples with knowledge and action steps to foster stronger, more intimate relationships.  Join us on this journey, and let’s create a marriage manual that will transform your relationship into something truly extraordinary!

Get your FREE ticket to the Unlock the Power of Intimacy Summit HERE –>

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