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Dreamvisions  7 Radio Network’s PEACE Campaign 2024 Essay #2


“What Does Peace Look Like to YOU?” by Dr. Mylaine Riobe M.D. 


Peace looks like an inner landscape of pure joy in both my thoughts and feelings!

All that we see “out there” is but a reflection of what’s going on “in here.”  It’s all a compass towards the inner goal of self-love and self-realization.  I believe that creation is an exploration and experience of Self. What I would perceive as “miscreation” or a lack of peace is a pointing towards truth so that I can stay on track and on mission.

Peace is unlimited creativity and exploration of this incredible world and everyone in it.  Peace is going with the flow with which the world is innately designed.  Knowing that the human heart has no boundaries allows me to extend my joyful thoughts and feelings through the entire universe and have this reflected back to me as peace.

Knowing that light extinguishes darkness gives me the peace to move forward with the confidence that peace and love always win!!

Knowing that love is infinite gives me the faith that there is no end to the joy that we can experience and that is peace to me!!


Dr. Mylaine’s

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