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Order of the Sacred Earth Matthew Fox08-20-19 Order of the Sacred Earth with Matthew Fox and Skylar Wilson

There’s a challenge and an opportunity in the vision launched in this modest book. That vision is about creating an Order of the Sacred Earth. Essay contributors to the book and its vision include Mirabai Starr, Brian Thomas Swimme, Adam Bucko, and David Korten.“The Order of the Sacred Earth not only calls us home to our true nature as Earth, but also offers us invaluable guidance and company on the way.” –Joanna Macy

This short book provides a new vision, one deeply rooted in Western, Eastern, and Indigenous histories: a new spiritual Order that affirms all spiritual traditions and practices that sustain life and teach us to drink in wisdom from the Earth herself.

Matthew Fox, 76 has been called a maverick, a rebel, and by some a heretic. In his quest for a viable spirituality he discovered the ancient (but often suppressed) creation spirituality tradition that honors the sacredness of all creation. He has worked closely with Native spiritual leaders, feminists, scientists, activists, and others, and got himself in trouble with his mother church and the pope. He has written 34 books on spirituality and culture now translated in 67 languages and is a visiting scholar at the Academy for the Love of Learning and a professor at the new Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality. Among his books are Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, A Way To God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey, Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times. See

Skylar Wilson, MA is a 34-year old Rites of Passage guide who recently became a father. He has worked as a mentor for over ten years with teenagers and adults in a number of capacities including the Stepping Stones Project in the Bay Area to lead youth, train leaders, and initiate elders within a community-based, long-term, intergenerational mentoring model. He is co-author with Matthew Fox of the book: Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action and co-director of the Order (OSE)

Jennifer Berit Listug is a 29-year old Rites of Passage guide who also works in book publishing as a writing coach for authors. She is a recent mother as well as co-director of Wild Awakening. For years Jennifer has served on the board at the Unity in Marin spiritual community where she is a guest speaker, and Rites of Passage guide. She is co-author with Matthew Fox of the book: Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action* and co-director of the Order (OSE).

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