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02-19-20 There Is No World Apart from What You Think

The journey of awakening is not a path of sacrifice it is a journey of joy. When we put our trust and faith in the Holy Spirit our lives will change, David shares many parables of how he has been so cared for when he took the leap to follow the Spirit. He was led to teach on boats, taken in by strangers who allowed him to stay at there house, he was led to meet very inspiring devoted ones of A Course in Miracles to join in the very deep purpose of awakening. His life was completely taken care of. “Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency.  It rests on you. And what can be more certain than a Son of God?” A Course in Miracles

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