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01-11-22 Expert Business Panel- Ringing In the New Year Success!

All relationships are hard. We want the fairy-tale ending, but landmines lurk at every turn. Where are they? Is there a roadmap so we can avoid them? These 4 expert business panelists have Empowering Stories Discovering Business & Personal Secrets to Success in Love and Money. In our post-COVID world, many of us have become entrepreneurs and our own CEO. One BIG Secret to success is understanding how your personal and professional life is a marriage and business contract.… That contract can be heaven or hell. Could our difficulties stem from not respecting that marriage?

Guest Bios:

Frank Zaccari- CEO and Sr. VP of 7 midsize companies, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Advisor, ROKU TV Show Host, VoiceAmerica host of Life Altering Events, published 5 books, teaches at Arizona State University; mentors Veterans, is a mentor and judge at University of California Entrepreneurship Academy.

Teresa Velardi- DreamVisions7 Radio/TV host of Conversations that Make a Difference, Publisher, Coach. Businesswoman Teresa brings vital ingredients to those who choose to share their message with the world either on her show or through her publishing platform. We all have a story to tell and a heartfelt message to share. Whether you’re writing a book or want to talk about something that lights you up, Teresa can help you to share your heart’s message.

Peggy Willms- is Coach Peggy- Mayhem to Miracles Published Author, Wellness Expert, Personal & Executive Coach, International Speaker, and Syndicated columnist and Radio Host, brings over 30 years of wellness expertise. All Things Wellness: A revolutionary approach that combines both wellness models and wellbeing models for ALL THINGS WELLNESS.

Dom Brightmon- Dominique (Dom) Brightmon- Published author in Crappy to Happy and host of The Going North Podcast, where authors share their life experiences to help others advance themselves.

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