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Meet the Miracle Hosts09-21-21 Meet the Miracle Hosts

Do you believe in miracles? Kat Kanavos interviews the Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope Media Partners Radio/VIDEO Podcasters and TV Show Hosts as they Kick-Off the Mayhem to Miracles Book Launch.

Eileen Bild- OTEL Talk/ROKU
Richard Dugan-Dr. D. “Tell Me Your Story”
Peggy Willms-The Coach Peggy Show
Dom Brightmon-Going North Podcast

Yes! Miracles are Real! And the book Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope proves it. Grab your box of tissues and join us as we cry and laugh our way through the real-life stories of everyday miracles. Hope is the shining beacon that can change the course of illness, the future, love, and our lives. Miracles go hand-in-hand with hope. Experience modern-day miracles as thirty inspiring individuals move through the mayhem of physical challenges, abusive relationships, addictions, lost and found love, and more.

Guest Bios:

Eileen Bild is an author, the CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life, OTEL Productions, and OTEL Universe. Along with her husband, they have a world-renowned multi-media and production company specializing in ROKU Channel Development for individuals, businesses, and non-profits, and video productions. Eileen is also a columnist, published author, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach.

Story Synopsis: Triumph Through Miracles~ Eileen Bild has had her share of trials and tribulations, but just when she thought she was done, and life could become a walk in the park—somehow, Eileen was blindsided once again. It took three trips to the doctor to determine Eileen had been bitten while sleeping at home, by a brown recluse spider.

Peggy Willms is Coach Peggy- Author, Wellness Expert, Personal & Executive Coach, International Speaker, and Syndicated Radio Host, brings over 30 years of wellness expertise. All Things Wellness: A revolutionary approach created by Coach Peggy Willms to combine both wellness models and wellbeing models for ALL THINGS WELLNESS.

Story Synopsis: No One Will Take My Child – Not Even God!~ Following her inner-guidance rather than a medical misdiagnosis creates a miracle of life.

Richard Dugan- Dr. D. and host of “Tell Me Your Story.”

Dominique (Dom) Brightmon- author and host of The Going North Podcast where authors share their life experiences to help others advance themselves.

Video Version:

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