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Hayes and Bertucci01-26-21 From Mayhem to Miracles- EVERYDAY!!

Host Kat Kanavos of Dreaming Healing believes miracles happen to us every day in every way. But, do we see them? When we miss them are we missing out on Celestial Gifts? Some of these gifts may come in the form of comforting, guiding or precognitive dreams. Dreams can be Sacred Doorways to the Divine. Please meet Rev. Hayes Temple is writing the FOREWORD and Barbara Bertucci is a contributing author in the 3rd book in the Sacred Stories Series, Mayhem to Miracles, as we discuss everyday miracles.

Guest Bios:

Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes grew up in South Carolina and spent the earlier part of her career as a business owner. Having served three years of military service in the United States Army Reserves, Temple became a Science of Mind minister in 1991 and an ordained Unity Minister in 2007. Described as a prophet and mystic for our times and the new spiritual leader the world needs today, Temple Hayes is a Difference Maker, Spiritual Leader, Author, International Motivational Speaker, Humanitarian, Life Rights Advocate, Shamanic Practitioner, and President and Founder of life changing non-profit organizations.

Temple serves as CEO and Spiritual Leader of First Unity Spiritual Campus, a New Thought center, in St. Petersburg, Florida that transcends religious denominations, embraces all ethnicity, and reaches beyond national borders, as well as on the leadership team of the Association of Global New Thought.

Barbara Bertucci aka BB made a decision early on in her life to support people on their healthcare path both traditionally and alternatively. She was a Medical Office Manager and Medical Billing Specialist for over 17 years. She has been a reflexologist for the past 22 years. The greatest love of her professional career is Nikken and she has had the privilege of being a Royal Diamond for the past 18years.

Barbara brings compassion, clarity and coaching to all of her clients. Her mantra is, “Life is meant to be great and I am thriving.”

She brings to her resume a rich past. She was recruited and chosen to be one of two Americans to play for a Swiss basketball team in Europe at a very young age, she was Mrs. St. Petersburg in 2004 and she is a breast cancer –THRIVER. As she says, “Thanks to Nikken and alternative practices, I thrive rather than survive.”

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