Love by Intuition Archives with Deborah Beauvais
Be Brave A Wife’s Journey Through Caregiving, with author Florrie Munat
07-17-18 Be Brave A Wife's Journey Through Caregiving, with author Florrie Munat In 2003, my husband Chuck suffered an ischemic stroke followed by a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia, and I became his caregiver. His overnight transformation from an active, independent...
Master Your Mind, Master Your Life, Your mind can be your ticket to heaven
07-10-18 Master Your Mind, Master Your Life, Your mind can be your ticket to heaven Our guests today, Dianne Collins and Alan Collins make the important observation: In our culture, we have a lot of attention on taking care of the body, and not as much focus on taking...
Bridging Two Realms, & Power of the Soul with John Holland
06-26-18 Bridging Two Realms, & Power of the Soul with John Holland Power of the Soul accessing your inner guidance John Holland coming to Omega Institute September 21-23rd Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is Omega’s Media Partner, …when registering state code DREAM...
Deborah’s Personal Thoughts & Her Healing Repertoire
06-21-18 Deborah's Personal Thoughts & Her Healing Repertoire Deborah shares a number of thoughts and beliefs on a number of topics. Deborah believes it's important to question everything. Many of us carry our parent's beliefs, without questioning if they serve...
Angel Messages for Guidance with Living in Times of Great Change with Heather Green
06-05-18 Angel Messages and Readings for Guidance with Living in Times of Great Change with Heather Green Heather Green of Teal Healing is an intuitive, animal communicator, and energy healer for humans and animals. She connects with higher dimensional beings and...
Well-Being Care for Alzheimer’s and other Dementia-related Illnesses with Leah Marie
05-22-18 Well-Being Care for Alzheimer’s and other Dementia-related Illnesses with Leah Marie Leah Marie is a Certified Holistic Life and Stress Management Coach, who teaches life enriching techniques including various meditation styles, Emotional Freedom Technique...
Experience the Simple, Elegant, and Powerful Tools of Energy Medicine Yoga with World Renowned Author Lauren Walker
04-17-18 Experience the Simple, Elegant, and Powerful Tools of Energy Medicine Yoga with World Renowned Author Lauren Walker Experience the simple, elegant, and powerful tools of Energy Medicine Yoga in this workshop with its creator, Lauren Walker at Omega...
Radical Transformation Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents with Dr Monica Sharma
04-05-18 Radical Transformation Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents with Dr Monica Sharma Radical Transformation Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents. (North Atlantic Books) Radical Transformational Leadership describes how we can source our...
EarthHero: Shopping with your values has never been simpler!
03-27-18 EarthHero: Shopping with your values has never been simpler! Everyone who likes to SHOP take advantage of EarthHero’s Special Offer for Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network’s Listeners. Claim your 15% off coupon here: offer until...
Marilynn Preston—Journalist, Healthy Lifestyle Expert, and Emmy Award-winning TV Producer
03-20-18 Marilynn Preston—Journalist, Healthy Lifestyle Expert, and Emmy Award-winning TV Producer All is Well: The Art and Science of Personal Well-Being Choose to Be Happy. Link Mind and Body. Explore Endlessly. Live a Big Juicy Life. Outsmart Your Smart Phone....
The New Cancer Paradigm~Mobilize the Mind to Heal the Body! With Avinoam Lerner
02-13-18 The New Cancer Paradigm~Mobilize the Mind to Heal the Body! With Avinoam Lerner In Avinoam Lerner’s words: I am a Cancer Recovery Specialist, TEDx speaker and author of The New Cancer Paradigm. Mobilize the Mind to Heal the Body! My innovative approach to...
The Thoreau Whisperer~Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau. A True Story by author Cathryn McIntyre
02-06-18 The Thoreau Whisperer – Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau. A True Story by author Cathryn McIntyre “Truth strikes us from behind and in the dark, as well as from before and in broad daylight.” Henry David Thoreau, Journal, November 5, 1837....
Good Vibes for Money! With Barbara Berger
01-30-18 Good Vibes for Money! With Barbara Berger “Prosperity is a state of mind. What we see in our mind’s eye determines what we will experience in the outer. So if prosperity is an inner condition or experience, how do we use the power of our minds to cultivate...
Be Touched and Healed by God’s Scalar Energy Healing
01-23-18 Be Touched and Healed by God’s Scalar Energy Healing Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher and has 25 plus years’ experience helping people with pathogenic infection. Tom’s research and work with the scalar energy began during his undergraduate years....
Hay House Author Mary Shores Sharing Conscious Communications and a Free Gift!
12-26-17 Hay House Author Mary Shores Sharing Conscious Communications and a Free Gift! As an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and CEO, Mary Shores teaches individuals and businesses to fearlessly create their own realities by using scientific methods and practical...
“Following the path of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister” with Erik Archbold
12-19-17 “Following the path of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister” with Erik Archbold Bio: Erik Archbold is a singer-songwriter and student of the modern-day spiritual classic known as A Course in Miracles. In 2009, he took a leap of faith, leaving his a...
Healthy Boundaries and Constructive Communications with Barbara Berger
12-18-17 Healthy Boundaries and Constructive Communications with Barbara Berger Most of our problems are people problems, have you noticed? And most of these problems arise because we have difficulty communicating clearly and respectfully with each other....
Uncharted: The Journey through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility, with Colette Baron-Reid
11-28-17 Uncharted: The Journey through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility, with Colette Baron-Reid Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuitive counselor, psychic medium, and life strategist who helps others recognize and connect with their own...
A Mind at Home with Itself: Author Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell
11-21-17 A Mind at Home with Itself: Author Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell Internationally acclaimed, bestselling author Byron Katie’s most anticipated work since Loving What Is A Mind at Home with Itself: How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your...
Irish Mediums, Angels Love Orla Shevlin & Christine Noctor
10-31-17 Irish Mediums, Angels Love Orla Shevlin & Christine Noctor How Mediumship works and how the Angels work We are two spiritual mediums Orla and Christine from north county Dublin Ireland. We work from our own angel and holistic center in Dublin 17. Rather...