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Dennis Pitocco, CEO of BIZCATALAYST 360 Magazine12-10-19 Life Journey with Dennis Pitocco, CEO of BIZCATALAYST 360 Magazine

Dennis Pitocco, CEO of BIZCATALAYST 360 Magazine. Blisters covered every inch of his feet. The pain was excruciating. Twelve days, 205 miles, and 485,866 painful steps later a monk asks, “What was the reason for your walk.” Dennis says, “I did it for Dee.” Fairytales do come true. Miracles do happen. Listen as Dennis Pitocco, Founder, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of  www.BIZCATALYST360.COM  offers how and why as he shares his story titled In Search of More with Less in the Life Journey and Identity section of the book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.

BIZCAT IS AN AWARD-WINNING business, culture and lifestyle digest, serving as the global hub for enhanced performance and well-being. With an emphasis on action, our amazing writers empower people to transcend from knowing what to do to actually doing it. We are fueled by extraordinary thought leadership authored by some of the best and brightest minds from around the world. Today and every day, we simply deliver the very best Insights, Intelligence & Inspiration available anywhere. Period. The GOODWORKS 360° Team is passionately dedicated to helping nonprofits – locally, nationally and internationally – enhance their sustainability via streamlined access to high-impact pro bono services. See more at

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