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Look for the Good Carrie Rowan10-09-23 The Secret Power of Beginning Before You’re Ready with Lanette Pottle

Show summary:

Welcome to Episode 35, a groundbreaking episode of “Look for the Good” that promises to illuminate a path of courage and empowerment, just for YOU! Ignite Your Life with Special Guest Lanette Pottle!

Ever sensed that a more vibrant life is within your reach, yet found yourself frozen by doubts and uncertainties? This Monday, dive deep with our host, Carrie Rowan, and her inspirational guest, Lanette Pottle, a beacon of empowerment and wellness for women across the globe. Together, they unearth the transformative power of “Beginning Before You’re Ready” and embarking on journeys we often shy away from.

Discover a groundbreaking approach to harnessing the belief you need to catapult you into action. Even if self-assurance feels elusive, Carrie and Lanette will share a magnetic strategy to “borrow belief,” infusing you with the courage to leap into the life you’ve dreamt of.

Carrie and Lanette are poised to catalyze your evolution into a realm where desires transform into accomplishments, and dreams are merely the prologue of your reality.

Join the movement of soulful transformations and usher in a chapter where your dreams aren’t distant, they’re tangible and unfolding.

“Look for the Good” and you’ll surely find it – even in the unexpected!

Set Your Alarm & Make the Choice to Step into Your Power with Us!

Lenette PottleBio: Lanette Pottle is a champion of women’s empowerment and a passionate well-being advocate. She’s a multi-book Amazon International bestselling author and founder of the She Gets Published brand where she helps women confidently create, publish, launch and leverage their impact-making books.

Random fun fact: For a period of 6 years (2010-2016) I was known online as ‘Positivity Lady’.

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