09-21-20 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Kimberly Kelley M. D. author of The Road to Mana Finding Healing Happiness on the Road to Life which describes how to approach challenges. Dr. Kimberly describes five people from different walks of life all struggling with difficult life events who find themselves together for one week at a Hawaiian retreat where the learn to cherish the simple treasures of life as the caretaker Sister intertwines hope and enlightenment into their reality. She received her medical degree from Wright State University Dayton Ohio and her MBA from University of Knoxsville Tennessee She specializes in anesthesia acupuncture and chronic pain management. Dr. Kelley believes in an integrative holistic approach to healing. She is the founder of Core Wellness Hawaii whose motto is healing the inner self.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/