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10-08-21 Jessica Riley: Entrepreneur, Solution Finder, Transgender Advocate & Father

It’s never too late to live your best life – no matter what the cost.  When you are aligned with your true self, your world changes for the better.

Jessica Riley was only born 6 years ago – although she had been wanting to emerge for over 50 she was scared, confused, sad and much of the time angry not knowing what to do about her situation.  After a lifelong struggle of living an unauthentic life, Jessica took one of the hugest steps any human could to live their best life, she became a transgender female.  A journey that brought her to becoming a Transgender Advocate.

Although, in her old life, she was able to build a 7-figure business and raise two daughters, who are successful in their own right, Jessica longed to truly be happy and live her best life as a woman. After 57 Jessica was born a new! In this episode of Abundance, we learn about her journey and her new initiative,, which is a place where Jessica wants to help the transgender community with a platform to find answers to questions and create a hub for all things transgender.

Learn more about Jessica’s Journey and how she plans to support motivate and inspire others on their path.

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