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03-02-13  The Mind Is Not a Trap and It Always Will Be!

We think we live in the world, but we live in our minds. When we recognize this fact, we can wake up our inherent power and ability to live fully and creatively. When we think the world is outside of us and against us, we are always restless and anxious. . .or worse. Join Jack Elias as he explores with us simple yet profound insights that will help you wake up from the limited trances that hold you back and cause you suffering. Learn how to change your mind from a trap into a wish-fulfilling gem!

Jack Elias is a certified NLP practitioner since l983, Jack Elias is recognized by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and has trained in altered states processes and Ericksonian hypnosis. In addition, beginning in 1967 with five years of intensive Zen Buddhist practice, Jack continues over 40 years of practice and study of Buddhist and Siddha Yoga meditation and philosophy with recognized masters of these traditions. Jack offers private sessions for individuals, couples and families.

Author of the book and training program Finding True Magic Jack Elias blends the insights and disciplines of hypnosis, NLP and a variety of meditative techniques to create a dynamic process of change for his clients and students.

Jack Elias is founder and director of the Institute for Therapeutic Learning a Washington State licensed vocational school offering Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP Certification trainings, seminars and mentorship programs in Seattle, Washington. Jack’s clients and students, including seasoned mental health professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists and other medical doctors—report that working with his transpersonal methods of hypnosis and hypnotherapy/NLP has helped them relate more effectively and meaningfully to their own clients and patients as well as to their families and themselves. It is Jack’s mission to help people discover the powerful ability to get everything they really want. By accessing the true magic that exists in the mind, Jack says, we can meet any situation with confidence.

In his lively presentations to the business and professional communities internationally, Jack draws on over 20 years of experiences in sales, management, and as an entrepreneur in applying these therapeutic techniques in professional contexts. Jack is also recognized as a skilled parenting counselor. He is a contributing author to the wonderful parenting book, If I Were Your Daddy, This Is What You’d Learn This book is full of healing wisdom for every type of interpersonal relationship, even though it is a “Daddy” parenting book. If I Were Your Daddy is full of anecdotes from 35 highly successful contributing fathers including CEOs, sports superstars, Grammy musicians, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, bestselling authors, multimillionaires, and more. These fathers talk frankly about the ups and downs of raising their own children. Their shared first-hand accounts provide support to parents, educators, friends, and relatives to improve their relationships with children and to heal their own inner unresolved childhood hurts.

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