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12-21-17   It’s Easy to Feel Happy When the Sun is Shining with Rabbi Frank

But, the real trick is feeling content and balanced at every phase of your life, including the difficult patches.

Join me for a wonderful hour with Rabbi Frank who has devoted his life and career to supporting others through all phases of life, from birth to the end of our bodily existence.

Bio: Rabbi Frank has been identified by local, national and international media, as well as his beloved congregants, as an, “inspirational”, “dynamic”, “charismatic”, and “Deco Drive” Rabbi.

Rabbi Frank is well-known for his spiritually uplifting and creative ceremonies. He combines both the traditional with the contemporary for congregants from all branches of Judaism, including the Interfaith.

His dedication to both his profession and congregants inspires him to conduct thousands of marriages, conversions, baby namings, bar/bat mitzvahs, and memorial services. He often makes guest appearances and is frequently seen and heard in the local media, and is published in many periodicals and books.

His caring and sensitive nature draws many people, including well-known celebrities from around the world, to engage him for their spiritual and religious ceremonies. He has traveled to extend his blessings throughout North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Israel.
Guided by the vision of his late father, Rabbi Dr. Emmet Frank, and the great prophet Isaiah, and supported by his devoted and dedicated Synagogue staff, Rabbi Frank humbly states, “I am simply a Rabbi serving all people based on their individual and spiritual desires.

Twitter: @RabbiLoringFrank

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