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Topic: Is your Holistic Business pleading for help? If you’re out of balance with giving more than receiving to the level of going out of business this is a show for you.

Deborah Beauvais addresses how many of us want to help/serve people so we start a business to do just that. Whether a healing modality, a holistic product or service our hearts are so full to serve that we neglect the business side of our business…we expect a flow of cash, when it doesn’t happen we succumb to the fear of lack which only brings more fear…and lack. Many practitioners do amazing healing work yet quietly their ego chatter mind is telling them they don’t deserve to get paid. We struggle with the thought of receiving payment for our services when doing God’s work. If your intention is for the person/client to receive 100% of what you’re giving than you need to receive fair payment.

The Universe is designed to be in perfect balance… this includes business. Yes we deserve! Are we valuing ourselves if we don’t?

Show 01-17-10

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