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03-18-16   In Memory of: The Wisdom of the World: A Conversation with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Angeles Arrien Ph.D. has been one of my favorite people for many years, as one of those who has been as interested in trans-cultural approaches to psychology, spirituality, and global healing. You will love some of the profound insights she shares about cultivating hope, uplifting the human spirit, and awakening our potential for collective wisdom and transformation.

Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. Her work is currently used in medical, academic, and corporate environments. She is the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research. Her books have been translated into thirteen languages and she has received three honorary doctorate degrees in recognition of her work.

To me she is “Angie,” one of my mentors – who awakened in me an awareness of the importance of story, and catalyzed my writing of Deep Healing – The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine. In this conversation, we explore the value of inspiration, challenges that stretch us beyond our comfort zone, and respect. You will learn about the value of surprise, and the creative rather than the defensive approach to life.

Dr. Arrien continually refers to the traditional teachings of indigenous cultures from around the world, and the profound oneness of the wisdom that all cultures have evolved. You will love this episode.

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