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Hollister Rand05-22-24 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Hollister Rand, a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient healer and medium from California and author of “I’m Not Dead, I’M Different.” Hollister has used her immense abilities and spiritual gifts to aid and assist many parents who have experienced the painful loss of a child and shown them that their beloved children remain alive in a different dimension beyond the physical earth plane. Kids in spirit teach us through their wisdom and love how to accept their passing, and to use our time for appreciating and enjoying life as the divine gift it is. In today’s discussion Sheryl and Hollister, as healing mediums, will shed further light on how mediums work using their unique life experiences, and as a result are actually sought out by individual Spirits who feel more in tune with one medium rather than another, for relaying messages to their living relatives. This in no way means one medium is better than another, just that the soul connects in a stronger way to a particular medium and is able to get their message through. Furthermore, Hollister and Sheryl will share how mediums who attend workshops and interact with other professionals refine and expand their own proficiency and effectiveness to channel divine messages. All spiritual growth and awareness ultimately enables us to know that life is ongoing and eternal, whether in a physical body or in an energy dimension after this life.

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