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09-14-21 The Healing Power of Pleasure, Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being with Julia Paulette Hollenbery

A step-by-step journey into sensuality to rediscover the delight that lies just below the surface of everyday experience

Explaining how pleasure is all around us, Julia Hollenbery explores seven easily accessible spiritual “medicines” to discover more sensual pleasure and delight in your body, relationships, and way of being. She presents reflections, exercises, meditations, and energetic transmissions to help you reconnect body, mind, and soul and reclaim your innate source of pleasure.

  • Shares seven easily accessible spiritual “medicines”–slowing down, embodying, deepening, relating, pleasure, power, and potency–so you can discover more sensual pleasure and delight in your body, relationships, and way of being as well as inner confidence, instinctual power, and aliveness.
  • Presents reflections, practical somatic and breathing exercises, prompting questions, meditations, and energetic transmissions for each medicine
  • Explores body awareness, managing emotions stored in the body, the five realms of relationship, the different kinds of love, sexuality, passionate intimacy, and pleasure as a source of nourishment and healing.

Taking you step by step through a sensual journey of healing and transformation, Julia Hollenbery explores seven easily accessible spiritual “medicines” or pathways to discover more sensual pleasure and delight in your body, relationships, and way of being. Journeying through slowing, embodying, deepening, relating, pleasure, power, and potency, each medicine invites you to engage through reflections, practical somatic and breathing exercises, prompting questions, and meditations. Energetic transmissions help you reconnect body, mind, and soul in an integrated way and reclaim your innate source of pleasure.

A visionary call to action to inhabit your universe of deliciousness, The Healing Power of Pleasure combines scientific fact with ancient spirituality, insight, humor, and poetry. This book presents an invitation to reawaken your body, realize the depth and web of relationships within which we live, and embrace the pleasure, power, and potency that arise when we look inward as well as confidently relate outward with the world around us.

Julia Paulette Hollenbery is a bodyworker, therapist, mystic, healer, and facilitator. For more than 25 years she has guided countless clients into deep confidence and self-authority. Passionate about sharing her life-long love of the mystery, real sensual relationship, and the life of the body, Julia lives and works in London.

Author’s Website:

Later in the Show Deborah is joined by Chrissa Santoro, Communications Director at Omega Institute to share what is happening there.

Chrissa Santoro, Registered Yoga Teacher, has been a practitioner of hatha yoga and meditation since 1998. She is communications director at Omega, where she also teaches daily open yoga classes to participants and staff.

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