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07-11-18 Fourth of July FREEDOM from your own Thoughts. Beliefs and Behaviors

Do you have a addictions? Before you say no, think about this:

Approximately 98% of our thoughts and beliefs are unoriginal, recycled thoughts and beliefs that we learned or absorbed from others. That means, we are addicted to our own pattern of thinking, and like any addiction, until we acknowledge that we have a problem, we are destined to continue with our own addicted patterns of thinking.

-Begin by making a list of all the roles you play in your life. Spouse, sibling, parent, child, worker, student, friend…

-Which roles are you happy and joyful in, and which roles cause you to feel friction or discomfort?

-Now, write down you beliefs about those roles. What it means to be a good wife, what it means to be a faithful friend, etc.

-Now, ask yourself the following questions:What if what I believe is true? What is the evidence to support this belief? What if what I believe is not true? and lastly, What is this really about?

By identifying and challenging our own beliefs, and by realizing that most of our thoughts are distorted by our feelings and are not supported by external facts, we can finally gain independence! Independence from our thoughts, beliefs and feelings that, in the past held us back from achieving our dreams!

Fourth of July SPECIAL!
Receive Lora’s 30 minute Guided Meditation on Releasing Fear for only $10! Use the code FREEDOM and gain your independence this fourth of July!

I’m also offering a FREE 15 minute coaching call with me. All you have to do is send me a request to join my “FLAUNT! Fitness” Facebook, and then post on your Facebook page, “I just joined an amazing educational support group, FLAUNT! Fitness! I thought you might like to join too, so you can up your game this summer!” Be sure to tag me, Lora Plank Cheadle, so we can set up your FREE coaching call! or 303-994-4945​

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