FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
How Cheaters Justify Cheating – The Psychology of Betrayal
04-20-22 How Cheaters Justify Cheating - The Psychology of Betrayal One of the most confusing aspects of being cheated on is how your cheating partner can claim that they didn’t think about you, your kids, home, family, friends, community, or employment – especially...
It Started With a Betrayal – Jesus, Judas & What Betrayal Means for You – Solo Show
04-12-22 It Started With a Betrayal – Jesus, Judas & What Betrayal Means for You – Solo Show While it may feel like you are the only one who has experienced the heartbreak and pain of betrayal, you are not alone. In fact, the basis of the entire Christian religion...
Healthy Hormones Despite Infidelity or Feeling Betrayed by your Changing Body – With Dr. Deb Matthew
04-06-22 Healthy Hormones Despite Infidelity or Feeling Betrayed by your Changing Body – With Dr. Deb Matthew Hormones are chemical messengers that control the way you feel, react, and relate. Hormones are what make you who you are on the inside. So, when something...
Why Men Cheat: The Top Reasons & Secret Underlying Causes– Solo Show
03-30-22 Why Men Cheat: The Top Reasons & Secret Underlying Causes– Solo Show If you have been betrayed, you understand the obsession with figuring out why men cheat. But here’s the thing. Too often, infidelity or affair recovery programs focus on the reasons why...
Mistakes Wives Make Trying to get their Husband Back –with Laura Doyle
03-23-22 Mistakes Wives Make Trying to get their Husband Back –with Laura Doyle Have you ever wished for a complete do-over of your relationship? Whether you are working things out, have no idea what you are going to do, or have already left but are determined to do...
Should I Stay or Should I go? Deciding What to do After Infidelity-Solo Show
03-16-22 Should I Stay or Should I go? Deciding What to do After Infidelity-Solo Show Should I stay or should I go? Is one of the most often asked, and anguished over, questions after infidelity or betrayal. After experiencing the shock and devastation of your life...
Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts After Infidelity– Solo Show
03-09-22 Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts After Infidelity– Solo Show Whenever our brains have "open loops" aka unanswered questions, they automatically start searching for answers. They search and they search, and they search until they find answers for those questions...
Breathwork For Emotional Release – With R. Christian Minson
03-02-22 Breathwork For Emotional Release – With R. Christian Minson Breath is the foundation of life, the doorway to multidimensionality, and how you breath determines how you feel on this human journey. Betrayal leads to a loss of trust, a loss of control, and a...
Fawn: Why Smart Women Ignore Red Flags with Nischa Phair
02-23-22 Fawn: Why Smart Women Ignore Red Flags with Nischa Phair You’ve probably heard of fight, flight, or freeze, but did you know that fawning (going out of your way to please someone) is also a trauma response? While fawning is a common stress response for many...
What is Betrayal? Discover its Causes, Symptoms & Solutions – Solo Show
02-16-22 What is Betrayal? Discover its Causes, Symptoms & Solutions – Solo Show Whether your betrayal was recent or several years back, being betrayed makes you feel like your insides have been shattered. Like you will never recover, feel happy, or find joy...
Love Addiction: What you Need to Know – With Giovanna Capozza
02-09-22 Love Addiction: What you Need to Know – With Giovanna Capozza Love is a good thing, right? Not when the longing for love turns out to be a Love Addiction. This Valentine's Day, stop recycling the same relationship drama & disappointments, heal the past,...
Emotional Detox Now: Feel & Heal Your Pain – With Sherianna Boyle
02-02-22 Emotional Detox Now: Feel & Heal Your Pain – With Sherianna Boyle Without question, infidelity and betrayal flood your body with a variety of difficult sensations and make you feel icky and uncomfortable. When that happens, it’s all too common to seek to...
Betrayal, Celebration, and How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet! – Solo Show
01-26-22 Betrayal, Celebration, and How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet! – Solo Show Between your personal betrayal, the pandemic, climate crises such as fires, droughts, floods, and a volcano (seriously, a volcano?) and our hyper-stressful political/cultural scene,...
The Legal Implications of Infidelity: What you Need to Know – With Kim Willoughby
01-19-22 The Legal Implications of Infidelity: What you Need to Know – With Kim Willoughby Have you ever wondered about the divorce process or whether there were other legal remedies that could help you navigate infidelity? This show will teach you what it is like to...
Because Healthy Marriage Matters: Creating the Relationship you Deserve- With Austin & Rachel Holt
01-12-22 Because Healthy Marriage Matters: Creating the Relationship you Deserve- With Austin & Rachel Holt It’s my hunch that like Austin and Rachel Holt, you have read books, prayed hard, and have gone through some sort of marital or relationship counseling. But...
The Importance of Tradition in Overcoming Betrayal (Especially Over the Holidays) -Solo Show
01-05-22 The Importance of Tradition in Overcoming Betrayal (Especially Over the Holidays) -Solo Show Betrayal pulls the rug out from under you and makes you question yourself and your reality. Things that you relied on as true, you find out were not, leaving you...
The Impact of Emotionally Immature Partners – With Dr. Lindsay Gibson
12-29-21 The Impact of Emotionally Immature Partners – With Dr. Lindsay Gibson Living with or loving an emotionally immature person is difficult. It can keep you hopping as you do your best to try to manage their emotions, and it can make you feel like you are the...
Process & Heal Betrayal Through Somatic Movement – Solo Show
12-15-21 Process & Heal Betrayal Through Somatic Movement – Solo Show Feeling “normal” again after infidelity or betrayal is a process that takes a combination of the right ingredients and the right actions. Learn how movement can help you process and heal so you...
Parenting the Inner Child After Infidelity & Betrayal – Solo Show
12-08-21 Parenting the Inner Child After Infidelity & Betrayal – Solo Show Were you dismissed, silenced, or criticized as a child? Looking back, many of us realize that as children we were not truly seen, heard, or honored for who we were. As a result, we grew up...
Sacred Sovereignty & Longing for Love – With Kendra Cunov
11-24-21 Sacred Sovereignty & Longing for Love – With Kendra Cunov All humans long for love. But how do we balance that longing for love with our own sacred sovereignty, and how do we enact healthy boundaries after a betrayal? Join Lora and Kendra in a...