FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Core Wounds
[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] 04-26-17 Core Wounds Have you ever had a pattern in your life that keeps repeating? Maybe you keep finding yourself with bosses who don’t appreciate your effort,...
Dr Jamie Turndorf’s Upcoming “Kiss Your Fights Goodbye” Workshop at Omega
04-19-17 Dr Jamie Turndorf’s Upcoming “Kiss Your Fights Goodbye” Workshop at Omega Kiss Your Fights Goodbye at Omega May 12, 2017 – May 14, 2017 Conflict is inevitable in our intimate relationships. Most of us believe that conflict and fighting are synonymous, but...
Why “Living in the Present” Doesn’t Always Work
04-12-17 Why "Living in the Present" Doesn't Always Work I was in the lobby of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan when the secret of life was revealed to me. Contrary to what I’d been told, happiness, peace and prosperity did not come from living in the present....
Sensitive Show on Sexual Abuse and Violence
04-05-17 Sensitive Show on Sexual Abuse and Violence Sexual abuse and violence crosses all race, gender and socioeconomic lines. Statistically, one in five women will experience sexual violence, and considering that it is the most unreported crimes, those numbers...
Spring Into Spring!
03-29-17 Spring Into Spring! Spring is about rebirth, renewal, growth and above all, balance. Today's show focuses on removing the layers of winter, both physically as well as mentally, and choosing which seeds to sow. Spring is the perfect time to take stock of our...
What is the Role of Music in this Intense Transitional and Awakening Time of the Earth and Humanity with Marco Missinato
03-22-17 What is the Role of Music in this Intense Transitional and Awakening Time of the Earth and Humanity with Marco Missinato Marco Missinato was raised in the beautiful ancient city of Rome, Italy. His gift for piano composition began blooming at the age of...
03-15-17 Excuses! Everyone has them. But what would happen if we gave them up for Lent? How would our lives change if, for 40 days, we lived excuse free? In today's show, Lora discusses the three challenges to living an excuse-free life. 1) Learning to commit only to...
Angel Readings with Lora Cheadle
03-08-17 Angel Readings with Lora Cheadle Confused about your life purpose? Need a one-on-one with your angels, guides or deceased loved ones that you can actually understand? Maybe you just want a deeper connection with the universe or the ability to find your own...
Christy Cornell-Pape on Isadora Duncan Dance
03-01-17 Christy Cornell-Pape on Isadora Duncan Dance Isadora Duncan, an American dancer in the late 1800's really knew how to build her dreams and liver her sparkle! Refusing to be confined by pointe shoes, corsets and traditional dance, she was instrumental in...
Goddess Emerging
02-22-17 Goddess Emerging We are all made up of Divine Energy. We are all Goddesses in our own right, but sometimes we forget! In this weeks show, Lora will walk you through some simple, yet profound exercises that will remind you of your Divine nature and help...
Waking Up From Everyday Brainwashing
02-15-17 Waking Up From Everyday Brainwashing Many people use hypnosis in order to overcome subconscious blocks and create positive change in their life. But sometimes, the faster, more efficient rout to change is learning how to becoming un-hypnotized, or...
Power, Emotion and the Physicality of Both
02-08-17 Power, Emotion and the Physicality of Both Emotional Maturity. Personal Power. Those are some pretty big catch phrases, but what exactly do they mean? Especially now, in times of some pretty heavy political stress, what does it mean to express emotions...
NLP with Mike Bundrant
02-01-17 NLP with Mike Bundrant Mike Bundrant is the founder of the iNLP Center. He is an NLP Master Practitioner, IANLP Fellow Trainer and retired psychotherapist (NM). He became a certified NLP practitioner in 1993 by taking a 27-day NLP certification course from...
Breathflow Wellness with R. Christian Minson
01-25-17 Breathflow Wellness with R. Christian Minson Christian Minson is an International Speaker, Best-Selling Contributing Author, Trainer, Life-Balance Coach and Founder of Breathflow Wellness, a transformational coaching business. A former Monk, Christian...
Building Your Dreams with Kelly Notaras
01-18-17 Building Your Dreams with Kelly Notaras For some people, building their dreams and living their sparkle means working for a big-time publishing house in New York. For others, it means walking away. Kelly Notaras started her book-editing career in New York,...
Deeply Resolved New Year’s Resolutions with Heart & Soul
01-11-17 Deeply Resolved New Year’s Resolutions with Heart & Soul Sadly, making New Year’s Resolutions has become a superficial endeavor. Every year, millions of people resolve to “get in shape and lose weight.” Gym memberships spike for one month, and by February...
Closing Out The Old Before Ringing In The New
1-04-17 Closing Out The Old Before Ringing In The New This week’s show helps listeners understand the importance of closure and the necessity of coming to terms with the past before a new future can be created. Lora discusses the four steps necessary for closing out...
The Anatomy of our Bodies
12-28-16 The Anatomy of our Bodies Understanding our own bodies enables us to understand what is happening with them. Whether it’s a back ache, sciatica, neck pain or feeling out of shape, knowing and understanding human anatomy is the best place to start! It all...
Exercise Physiology and Weight Loss
12-21-16 Exercise Physiology and Weight Loss In this week's show Lora talks about Exercise Physiology and the nuts and bolts of weight loss. There is so much misleading information out there, it's no wonder people can't figure out what they need to do in order to...
Weight Loss
12-14-16 Weight Loss The number of Americans who are considered over weight or obese has steadily been climbing over the last few decades. The Weight Loss Industry has ballooned corespoidingly. It is currently estimated at being somewhere over $60 Billion per year....