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lora-fit11-23-16   Fitness Exercise & Eating

With the holidays approaching, many people are concerned about staying shape and not gaining weight.  Being busy cuts into our fitness routine and holiday parties and festive meals cut into our healthy eating plans. Not to mention the toll that our finances, company and the expectations of the season takes on us.

This season, spend time focusing on what you love and nurturing yourself to success! Join my FREE Facebook Group, “Flaunting Fitness!” where you can connect with others and receive health, fitness and nutrition tips that will keep you accountable over this holiday season.

As a fitness coach and trainer, Lora firmly believes that exercise should be the most fun part of our day. Fitness is play-time for adults and our biggest fitness challenge is finding what we love. When we love something, it’s easy to fit it into our day, we succeed at whatever it is we are doing and we make progress!

Focusing on what we love and focusing on feeling healthy and fit is what matters, and when we do, weight loss and a better body are byproducts. But when we skew the focus and focus only on being a certain size or weight, the journey becomes painful, depressing and too difficult to follow.

When we tune into how we feel when we eat certain foods, it becomes easy to make the right choices. Really, we are all already diet experts; we know what makes us feel good, what makes us bloated, sluggish or tired. We just need the motivation to break out of the sugar addiction cycle once and for all.

This season, stay conscious, stay awake and stay healthy, happy and proud of YOU!

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