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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Celebrates Featured Co-Author Rev. Ariel Patricia and International Multi-Award Winning Co-Author Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope by Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos and Rev Ariel Patricia

Foreword by Rev. Dr.Temple Hayes, spiritual leader, differencemaker, and CEO of First Unity Spiritual Campus, St. Petersberg, Florida. “Having a daughter has been one of my greatest miracles. There’s a refrigerator magnet that says, ‘The best is yet to come. If it hasn’t, it isn’t over yet.'”

When we practice giving consciously, our lives begin to move forward faster. Everything amplifies.~ James Redfield, NY Times Best Selling Author of The Celestine Prophecy

For Rev. Ariel Patricia and Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe- Kanavos writing this third book in the Sacred Stories series and working with all the authors has been an immense privilege. “Their stories have changed my life,” says Kat. “Many of the authors were returning ‘Sacred Story Family Members,’ Ariel added.

The three-book series has created quite a fantastic family of writers and friends.

What Compelled Ariel Patricia And Kathleen To Write a Book About Personal Journeys?

There was such a strong need for a book like Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope that shared true stories of courage, triumph, and peace. Mayhem to Miracles transcends life’s struggles to highlight the miracles many of us faced and still face daily with uncertainty like COVID. Surviving COVID is the basis for Dr. Bonnie McLean’s story. So, Rev. Ariel and I decided to finish the Sacred Stories series with a book on modern-day miracles to answer the question so often asked, “Are miracles real?”

Mayhem to Miracles shared the positive outcomes often orchestrated by Divine Intervention hidden in signs, symbols, and synchronicities, as James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, so aptly wrote in his story: We Are All Chosen. Dr. Bernie Siegel, New York Times Bestselling author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, shared how a flat tire saved his life in his story titled Spiritual Flat Tires. It is not every day we consider a flat tire a miracle.

So, how difficult was it to fill this third book with miracles?

“Once Ariel posted the story requirements on the acquisitions page of the Sacred Stories website, miracles began to show up,” Kat answers. “We were astounded!”

“When Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes agreed to write the book’s FOREWORD, and Sister Dr. Jenna- host of America Meditating and selected as one of the 100 Most Influential Leaders of 2015, James Redfield- author of The Celestine Prophecy, Dr. Bernie Siegel, and Deborah Beauvais- CEO of Dreamvisions 7 Radio/TV Network, shared their miracles with us, we knew we had something extraordinary,” Kat added. “Their stories are astounding.”

Miracles happen when your mind is awake, and your heart is open.~ Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes

Mayhem bombards us in today’s world on news channels, newspapers, and magazines, but we seldom hear about the miracles that happen despite or because of the chaos.

Chaos and mayhem are the fertile soils in which miracles grow.~Kat Kanavos

The miraculous happy endings shared in each story are such a breath of fresh air; I often read them multiple times. It is reassuring to see the good guy win and ride on a white horse into the sunset. We love to read about the Hero’s Journey.

Hero’s Journey stories have always been the way essential lessons are taught and remembered. These journeys are unforgettable because the author refused to relent.

Kat explains, “In high school, I sang in the school chorus. One of my favorite songs was the Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II hit “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” later sung by many crooners, including Gerry and the Pacemakers and Elvis Presley. The lyrics that resonated with me most and exemplified in this book are the ones that tell us to walk on! Don’t stop… even if our dreams are tossed around because we will never walk alone.”

So often, we feel alone in our times of need. We are sure no one else has experienced what we are feeling, so there is no hope for any help. Suddenly reading how someone else went through a similar life challenge and survived the devastation can help us continue one more day.

Kat explains, “In a speech, Winston Churchill said, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going,’ and then discussed the ‘lion heart’ of people. All the authors in this book went through some form of hell, including me—but rather than giving up, they kept going. They embraced their lion hearts and followed hope forward on their Hero’s Journey until they came out the other side.”

The dark hour of their soul became the fertile ground for their miracle. Without one, the other could not have existed.

Kat and Ariel agree that one of their favorite sections of the book Mayhem to Miracles is Part 5, where these incredible authors peered back into their dark past from a place of light and shared profound thoughts and insights with us. Their words of wisdom are worth their weight in gold. Excerpts are in these quotes.

Life is a labor pain. Give birth to yourself and make the pain worthwhile.~ Dr. Bernie Siegel

If you can live your life without judging anyone and loving everybody the same, you experience inner peace and happiness.~ Sister Dr. Jenna

When you feel you’re in the mayhem, ask yourself: “What if what I believe may not be entirely true?” ~ Rev. Ariel Patricia

Over my years in the healing profession, I have learned that we are all healers. Our bodies know how to heal themselves.~ Dr. Bonnie McLean

I would spend more time with people I love and forgive those who couldn’t be there.~ Teresa Velardi

1 Corinthians 13:5—Love keeps no record of wrongs. I kept a long list.~ Dr. Anne Worth

Kat says, “Something impressive to me in the stories within Mayhem to Miracles was the belief in Divine Intervention, especially when a situation was at its worst. Divine faith combined with hope for a better day often made the difference between life and death. When I think of hope, I think of the 1970s poster by Los Angeles photographer Victor Baldwin of a kitten clinging onto a bamboo pole with the words printed in bold letters beneath it, HANG IN THERE, BABY.”


Yes! Miracles are real. They do still happen. And hope is the magic elixir that can transform life’s troubles into a sense of grace and meaning. In Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope, you will experience modern-day miracles as 30 inspiring individuals share their high-fives and down-lows of moving through physical challenges, abusive relationships, addictions, lost and found love, and more.

The true stories of courage, triumph, and peace in the personal testimonies of everyday people and prominent figures, including:

· Co-author Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos’ finding her “Forever Love”
· Co-author Reverend Ariel Patricia’s message of hope from an animal totem
· New York Times bestselling author James Redfield’s synchronicities of writing The Celestine Prophecy
· Spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna’s transformation from disco queen to Divine angel
· New York Times bestselling author Dr. Bernie Siegel’s spiritual flat tires in life
· Media guru Deborah Beauvais’ fight to save her child … and herself
· Media partner Peggy Willms’ difficult decision on her pregnancy due to illness

Hope is the light in our dark hour that guides us through the storms. Hope gives us reason to hang in there, for just one more day, hour, or minute. It pushes us to “Walk on….” toward the miracle.

As of today, Mayhem to Miracles has been a #1 Amazon New Release for weeks and a bestseller in two categories. That is a minor miracle in itself because the book is still in preorder but goes live on Amazon on October 5th, 2021. Be the first to get your copy. It is currently available for purchase on Amazon here:

“Deep gratitude for the miracle of our incredible contributing authors. Your courage, tenacity, and profound commitment to get through the mayhem and into the miracles is inspiring. And to our readers: If you are in mayhem… keep going. Know that you are strong, you matter, and your beacon of hope is going to shine…look for it. We are cheering for you. And, through the chaos, crappy, and mayhem and into the clarity, happy, and miracles… Kat, we did it!”

“Yes, indeed Ariel. We did it!”

Kathleen KanovosAbout co-author- Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is VIDEO host of Dreaming Healing on Dreamvisions 7, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, is a PR Guru, internationally syndicated columnist for BIZCATALYST 360°, and Desert Health Magazines, Author/Lecturer and Internationally award-winning, bestselling author of many books including Chaos to Clarity, Crappy to Happy, Dreams That Can Save Your Life, and Surviving Cancerland, seen on Dr. Oz, The DOCTORS, CBS and NBC. Kat promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner and Divine Guidance through Dreams for health, wealth, and relationships. Kat says, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @

Rev. Patricia CagganelloAbout co-author Rev. Ariel Patricia- Ariel felt the calling to found Sacred Stories Publishing and Media after a series of events changed the course of her life. Since then, she has been on a heart-based mission to help others tell and share their own stories of transformation to a global audience. Promptly after this period in her life, Ariel left her career in the corporate and educational worlds and entered One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York, where she became ordained as an interfaith minister. This deepened her passion to share the profound experiences and wisdom of Spirit to those who are ripe to receive it. Now, as both sacred storyteller and visionary businesswoman, Ariel is the powerhouse behind Sacred Stories Publishing and Media. Her leadership in the rapidly evolving fields of publishing, broadcasting, and online learning has quickly put SSPM on the map as a conscious business enterprise with a soul for helping humanity prosper and expand our spiritual awareness. As an ordained interfaith, interspiritual minister, Ariel Patricia believes every story is a sacred story. She is ordained from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York and has earned her Master of Arts in Education and her Bachelor of Science in Business. Ariel Patricia worked in the corporate and educational worlds for many years and proudly served six years as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Ariel Patricia is the author of two books sharing the beginning of her spiritual journey— God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Animals and God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels. She is co-author of a poetry book, Scanning For Signal, and co-author of the first two books of the Sacred Stories of Transformation series: Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change and Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy. Learn more at https://sacredstories

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