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07-10-24 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Eva-Maria Mora author of” Quantum Angel Healing.” Eva-Maria shares her journey from being an international top management consultant to becoming a clairvoyant medical intuitive and spiritual teacher who has discovered another version of hands on energy healing known as Quantum Angel Healing. Eva-Maria and I will describe how most hands on healing and distant healing practitioners use diagnostic intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, prayer and intentions for positive reprogramming of old patterns and emotional wounds by helping their clients go beyond the fear of physical death to realize that non-physical helpers or spirit are engaged with the healer during a healing session. We will discuss the real source of pain and suffering and ways to eliminate many of these unnecessary feelings in the body. It will be shown that pain is an indicator that a person is out of balance and the physical body and soul are struggling with each other. It will become evident that blaming outside forces cannot repair or correct the internal distress and that healing comes from within when people assume responsibility for making personal choices that fulfill their own needs and life plan. Creating a plan that includes energy healing sessions with other ways to protect your health is valuable.

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