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05-26-20 “Dreams & Your Positive Tribe”

Have you ever been in a group or around people who did not make you feel good about yourself and made you ask the question, “Who are these people and why am I here with them?” Perhaps you are in the wrong Tribe. Humans are Tribesmen, and Tribeswomen. We belong to many different tribes such as, our heritage, our writing group, our sports team, our stitch-n-bitch-group, and our family and extended family tribe. Some tribes we are born into, others we choose. Would you like to belong to a Positive Tribe? Are you ready for some Positivity? Dreaming Healing  guest Candi Parker, publisher and owner of Positive Tribe Magazine is here to share some real Positivity with you. And, all you horse lovers- she loves and owns horses, too.

Bio: Candi Parker is a publisher, author, artist, certified Law of Attraction coach, a leader in the global Womens Prosperity Network, an Army Veteran and retired Acupuncture Physician.

She has helped over 300 people become published authors and has created an effective system for tapping into the multi-billion dollar industry of eBook sales with her course, Write a Kindle Book in a Weekend.

Since 2017 her free monthly magazine Positive Tribe Magazine is about reminding people to be and stay positive, think positive and live positive, joining with all the contributors to help uplift those who read it and raising the positive vibe on the planet. Her childrens book, Positive Pete and the 7 Magic Words is on Amazon along with her true story Shift Happens: How I Won a Million Dollars with the Law of Attraction and multiple other books.

The common theme in all Candi does is her passion and expertise in providing ways for people to achieve health, wealth and happiness.

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