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05-05-20 Dreams to Live Your Legacy: A Life Inspired by Death with Guest Codi Shewan

Through powerful stories and no-nonsense insights, Codi Shewan, author of Everyday Legacy talks about life, death and how he inspires readers to shift to the idea of living—not leaving—a legacy. Shewan’s message is simple, yet powerful, “In each moment, you have the ability to change yourself and those around you, in profound ways.

Often people have to experience something tragic to truly take stock of the value of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can live more fully, more purposefully today,” Shewan says. “So often when I arranged funerals, I would hear what I’ve come to call ‘Echoes of Regret’ – people wishing they had spent more time with those who mattered, given one more hug, or told their loved ones how they truly felt. Everyday Legacy helps readers show up more powerfully everyday, and realize the impact they’re making, while they’re still here.”

Guest Bio: Author CODI SHEWAN spent two decades working in the death-care profession, until in 2014 he leapt from an executive position in corporate funeral services to the entrepreneurial world. As a consultant and speaker, he’s on a mission to redefine “legacy” as something that you personify, each day of your life. Codi says, “You can realize the power of your own positive influence while you’re still here.”

Codi Shewan is a sought-after motivational speaker who travels the world encouraging people to live life more purposefully. Recently, one of his inspirational videos went viral, garnering more than three hundred thousand views in under 48 hours. But before this, he had a 20–year career in a very uncommon role: as a funeral director. Seems unrelated, right? But actually, his experiences facing death every single day taught him a lot of lessons about living, especially during these challenging times with corona virus. “Living―not leaving―a legacy is about knowing what is important in your life, and making intentional choices about who you show up as in the world, each day,” Shewan adds. “I believe Everyday Legacy will inspire people to take positive action in their life and live with more purpose, right now. I’ve seen how transformative living more intentionally can be, and Everyday Legacy can be a catalyst to do just that.” This is what he shares in his powerful new book, Everyday Legacy: Lessons for Living With Purpose, Right Now (Page Two, February 18, 2020) and on this show with you. Shewan is also the founder of From Strangers To Family, an experience which helps people feel connected, in an often disconnected world. For more information, visit

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