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06-16-20 Dreams of Deceased Loved-Ones

Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones can prove that Love Never Dies. So many of us think that it is the end once a loved-one dies, including our pets. We will never see them again. And, we don’t…until they show up in our dreams. Why do they come back? How do they visit us in dreams? These and many other dream questions and interpretations are answered on the show and validated using Oracle Card Decks by two international and popular show hosts in their own right; the Dream Detective/Mimi Pettibone from the US, and the Spiritual Surgery Host/ Paula Mary from the UK.

Paula Mary is the host of a Spiritual Development Show focusing on live debates, weekly guests, development techniques and answering any questions via email or text that you have on the subject of Spirituality. Paula Mary is an International psychic Healer/Medium, animal communicator specializing in Psychic Surgery and Animal Healing. She is a radio presenter who lives in Bexhill, East Sussex, United Kingdom and loves hearing about people’s first spiritual experiences. So if you have one please send them to her via her website and they will be read out on the show. The Spiritual Surgery  Show with Paula Mary, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Healer, is on Monday nights 6.30p.m until 8pm UK.

Mimi Pittibone is the host of The Dream Detective Podcast, which explores the mysteries of the mind, body, spirit, and dreams. She is also a dream columnist for the New Spirit Journal Online, and the creator of the Enchanted Art Oracle Cards, an inspirational guidance tool. She works with clients by phone and in person in Seattle, Washington. Her passion is helping people listen to the messages of their dreams and inner guidance. Using both psychological and spiritual tools, she teaches clients how to improve their relationships with others, and with themselves, to live their most authentic life. Mimi says, “Dreams can take us into the realm of the mysterious and unknown. Many people have experienced psychic dreams, astral travel, lucid dreaming, shared dreams, and encounters with departed loved ones.”

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