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08-03-21 Dreams of Death and Heaven. It’s All About You!

Your dreams are all about you. Dreams are a microcosm of our waking world. We often problem solve in our dream world, including coming to terms with death, dying, and Haven. The dreams from listeners and followers will captivate you with their meanings and solutions.

Kat Kanavos Dream Night Audience Participation! Dreams, Dreams, and more Dreams! Kat and DV7 producer Rachel share dreams from emails and the live audience sent to her about death and deceased loved ones. What do things like cars, children, and mountain roads mean in our dreams? What does it mean when we are trapped in a car with an angry dead child ripping off his clothes? What does Heaven look like in dreams after death? Can we visit our deceased Loved Ones in Heaven, and will we recognize them? Why do we dream so often about our deceased Mom? And…what does a dead mom mean in a dream? Call in with your dream, or share it anonymously in the YouTube comments, and we will discuss it. Tonight is all about you- the audience.

Bio: About Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos:  The Queen of Dreams. VIDEO/Radio Podcaster, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, and Dream Expert on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Medical Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote Nautilus award winner Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s a Syndicated Columnist and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams. Learn more @

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