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The Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and Deborah Beauvais welcomes the remarkable Dr. Larry Dossey to the Love By Intuition Show Saturday July 26th at 2pmEST/12pmMT

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Dr. Larry Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. He is executive editor of the peer-previewed journal Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. He is the author of twelve books on the role of consciousness and spirituality in health, which have been translated into languages around the world. His most recent book is ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters. He lectures around the world.


HAY.558.Dossey_cover_final.inddImagine a united consciousness, an awareness of which all of our minds are a part . . . and a potential way out of the division, greed, and destruction that threaten to engulf our world.

In the 20th century, we were introduced to several subdivisions of the mind: the conscious, unconscious, subconscious, preconscious, and so on. But what we didn’t know was that there was another level of consciousness, an all-encompassing, infinite dimension of shared intelligence: the One Mind. This universal consciousness connects all of us through space and time. Even now, as you read these words, you are participating in the One Mind.

Through engaging stories, fascinating case studies, and brilliant insights from great thinkers throughout history, One Mind explores the outer reaches of human consciousness. In it, you will discover a new way to interpret the great mysteries of our experience and learn how to develop the empathy necessary to engender more love, peace, and collective awareness. The result is a rich new understanding of what it means to be human and a renewed hope that we can successfully confront the challenges we face at this crossroads in human history.

With One Mind, Dossey shows that we are not alone, that we are all one.

Host Deborah Beauvais &  Dr. Larry will be discussing ‘One Mind”~How Our Individual Mind Is Part Of A Greater Consciousness And Why It Matters

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Station-Boston & Worldwide
Dreamvisions 7 Radio at 1510am WUFC Boston
Love By Intuition with Deborah Beauvais
July 26th Saturday 2pmEST
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Callers toll free 866-338-9663 or 617-237-1234

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Station syndicated
Love By Intuition with Deborah Beauvais
July 29th & August 1st 6am & 6pmEST
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