06-05-17 Dr. Cathy Alinovi, of Healthy PAWsibilities
Join Dr. Morgan this week for interview with Dr. Cathy Alinovi, of Healthy PAWsibilities. Dr. Cathy Alinovi is a retired holistic veterinarian, author, media personality, and pet expert. Oh, and pet lover. She totally loves pets. Dr. Cathy began her veterinary education at the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine and also holds a Master of Science in Epidemiology from Purdue, but quickly realized that conventional medicine met some, but not enough, of her patients’ needs. This spurred her pursuit of holistic veterinary medicine for better animal health.
She is the author of the Healthy PAWsibilities series for young cats, young dogs, older cats, and older dogs. She is co-author with Susan Thixton of Dinner PAWsible, a cookbook for cats and dogs.