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How being broken sets you free Flaunt05-17-23 How Being Broken Sets You Free to Define Yourself & Embody Who You Are

Infidelity and betrayal shatter your soul and leave you feeling broken, empty, and confused. But what if this shattering was an opportunity for the pain, toxicity, and everything that is not yours to escape your body? What if it was an opportunity for us to define who we were, and to come home to ourselves as we most authentically are? This show will shift your heart and your mind and will set you free from the pain, drama, and ruination of your partner’s affair so you can be free to live life your way.

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Top take-a-ways:

  • How do you come home to yourself when you don’t know who you are? Learn to define yourself authentically.
  • Why a dark night of the soul is often the precursor to transformation and how to use your feelings of being broken as a bridge to grounded presence.
  • The power of losing yourself so you can find yourself anew.
  • How to be free from whatever it is that’s holding you back, so you can be free to do whatever is you most desperately want to do!

Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at

About Lora: Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.

Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!

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