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07-05-12 Journeying through Grief, Debara Bruhn Towt shares how she coped, survived and found peace within. 

Intuitive, Mother of Angels, Debara Bruhn Towt shares her experiences of life as a mother who has lost her father to down wind radio active fallout here in southern Utah, lost her brother to HIV related immune disorders, lost her second daughter to a rare birth defect that put her into an eight year coma, lost her oldest daughter to a single car roll over accident and her mother just recently crossing over from co-genital heart failure. Life has presented Its’ challenges to Debara and through it all one thing remains clear…death is an illusion. With this reality firmly part of her DNA and her every thought, Debara shares from a…to say the least…unusual perspective. Her reflections on life can seem to come from ‘nowhere’ and yet will penetrate other Souls with insightful information that can heal, transform and awaken many a sojourner here on Earth. Always present with the moment, her message comes through with a powerful resonance…All Roads Lead to Love!

Having written songs since the age of 16, her repertoires of original music consists of over 50 songs. We invite you to listen to the C.D. Crystal Butterfly’s fly in the Sumer of your Dreams. You can listen as much as you like or down load any or all of the songs . It is with much gratitude and with a heart full of thanks that go out to our producer’s, Mr. Howard Gale & Mr. Mark Evans at Silent Partner Productions in Los Angeles. Mark received a ” Pearl Award” for his music on the movie “Other Side of Heaven”. Debara also enjoyed collaborating with Mr. Kurt Wilson on her Songs.The C.D. ” A’ nidawehi.” which in Cherokee means “Angels”. The song Shadow Hawk is a theme song for the Movie Shadow Hawk on Sacred Ground which was filmed in Southern Utah in 2003. The other Songs are music which, Debara co wrote. Debara enjoys singing live on stage for the play, legends of the Chiefs with Mr. Black Hawk Walther & Mason Walther/ writers of the tribute to the Chiefs. The Songs on the C.D A’nidawehi, are a Tribute to the spirit and legends of great chiefs and hero’s in American for over a hundred years.

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