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10-06-20 Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy with Rev. Ariel Patricia & Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos 

Into every life, some rain must fall. Fortunately, no storm lasts forever.

Do bad things happen to good people, or could the difficulties we face be gifts in disguise? You decide as thirty courageous authors share their poignant true stories with you.

Walk alongside the writers as they weather the storms of gender and sexual identity, crises of faith, divorce, addiction, health challenges, lost love, and more. Find inspiration for your future as you gain deeper insight into the meaning of life’s challenges.

Share in the personal power and profound joy of testimonials by several prominent figures:

  • Co-author Reverend Ariel Patricia’s past lives that prove she has experienced lasting love
  • Co-author Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos’ good friend Petronelle, who taught her to “laugh till it heals” to help her overcome life-threatening illness
  • Spiritual Leader Reverend Dr. Temple Hayes, who found Unitywithin herself as a gay woman after being judged by her family
  • NY Timesbestselling author Dr. Bernie Siegel’s mystical nudges by deceased wife, Bobbie
  • Media guru Ken Walls’ journey to sobriety and the night he knew he needed help
  • Survivor Connie Bramer’s memories of her mom, who lost her battle with breast cancer
  • Nurse Diane Vich as she connects to her goddess within before sharing Covid-19 results

And more empowering true stories of grit, grace, and love that begin in upheaval and end with cathartic joy. If you liked Chaos to Clarity, the first book of the series, you will love this standalone second book. Grab your tissues! Prepare to cry and learn to laugh till it heals as you enjoy tales that shift from Crappy to Happy.

Rev. Ariel Patricia– is CEO and Founder of Sacred Stories Media, a conscious online media network. Sacred Stories Media includes Sacred Stories Publishing, an award-winning traditional book publishing and marketing company; Garnet Press, a self-publishing book division; and Sacred U, an online course division. As an ordained interfaith, interspiritual minister, Ariel Patricia believes every story is a sacred story. She is ordained from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York and has earned her Master of Arts in Education and her Bachelor of Science in Business. Ariel Patricia worked in the corporate and educational worlds for many years and proudly served six years as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Ariel Patricia is the author of two books sharing the beginning of her spiritual journey— God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Animals and God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels—and is co-author of a poetry book, Scanning For Signal, and co-author of the first book of the Sacred Stories of Transformation series: Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.  and

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos believes dreams diagnose your life. Kat survived three cancers diagnosed by dreams but missed by the medical community and the tests on which they relied. She lived to write about it. International award-winning author of Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of HealingDreams that Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases co-authored with Radiologist/researcher Dr. Larry Burk of Duke University Medical, Chaos to Clarity, and Crappy to Happy, both co-authored with publisher Rev. Ariel Patricia, and contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions, Internationally Syndicated Columnist in BIZCAT360, and Desert Health Magazine, Dream Expert, Coach, Keynote Speaker, and TV/Radio Producer/Host. Kat was featured on Dr. Oz, NBC News, in magazines like Women’s World,  and newspapers like The Epoch Times. Learn more

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