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The Power of the Written Word

01-16-24 The Power of the Written Word Vincent A Lanci After graduating with degrees in Bachelor of Science in Finance and Master of Business Administration, becoming a published authorwas not always the plan. After surviving a near-death hit-and-run accident while on...

Wellness Warrior Women

01-02-24 Wellness Warrior Women Debra Costanzo founded 3 in 1 Fitness by D. L. Costanzo, LLC in July 2008. Certified through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she loves coaching busy professionals and supporting them to embrace mindful lifestyle changes...

A Daily Gift of Hope Part 2

12-26-23 A Daily Gift of Hope Part 2 Donna Guary is an Air Force Veteran, a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and member of the National Women in Agriculture Association. Also a children’s book author, Donna’s first two books in the Veggie Stories series are...

A Daily Gift of Hope

12-19-23 A Daily Gift of Hope   Mark Heidt is an award-winning writer, director, producer of $30 Million in half-hour infomercials. He has performed music at Carnegie Hall and fought forest fires in Idaho. Mark is husband to Sandy, father to Ken and Ruth, and...
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