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Choose Life, Choose Love

10-18-16  Choose Life, Choose Love Dr Bernie gets together with is radioactive family Lionel Ketchian and Deborah Beauvais. What would love do? Bernie shares doing good deeds for others, calling it ‘Doing something real”. When you give of yourself you create family…...

The Healing Power of Love

09-13-16  The Healing Power of Love Dr Bernie comes together with his radioactive family Lionel Ketchian and Deborah Beauvais to have an open discussion of love and healing. Bernie shares a couple of stories about two women, one who had an abusive childhood leaving...

Humor with Dr Bernie Siegel

08-09-16   Humor with Dr Bernie Siegel Mind, Heart & Health Matters! The heart matters a great deal! Dr Bernie comes together with his radioactive family Lionel Ketchian and Deborah Beauvais to share stories around childlike humor…hints on topics of humor: How May...

The Meaning Of Life

07-12-16 Mind, Heart & Health Matters! The heart matters a great deal! The Meaning Of Life. The Meaning Of Life… If people want to learn more about what that means then this show if for them. Living our life with LOVE. Who else but the author of Love, Medicine and...
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