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Show 01-29-09 Carol Bellis is an astrological consultant who offers an in depth look into what the soul is yearning to express through the vehicle of the personality in this lifetime. In using the client’s natal birth chart as her cosmic portal, Carol Bellis guides clients into the realization of their soul’s innate potential through times of opportunity, crisis and transition. Carol’s intuitive and soul centered approach helps clients identify and align with their true path through a deep understanding of the unfolding cycles illuminated in the individual birth chart.

Carol earned her B.S. in Marketing from Bentley College in 1985. In the year 1991, she felt compelled to switch vocational gears and began her studies in various areas of alternative health and wellness. She later earned her National Certification in the ancient healing art of Foot Reflexology and her Reiki Master Certification. She began her professional astrology practice a decade ago after earning her certification under the tutelage of professional astrologer, author and teacher, Carole Devine. In addition, Carol earned her Master Astrologer certification from one of the world’s most renowned and prominent astrologers Mr. Noel Tyl, who is famous for having formulated the creative blend of psychological need theory and astrological symbolism. He is a Harvard University graduate and a prolific author in the field of natal and predictive astrology. 

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