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Dr_Daniel_AmenDrMiller-Judith-Prager04-22-16   Beyond The Sandy Hook Shootings – What Do I Need To Know and Do?: A Conversation With Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Judith Prager

Following a tragedy like the mass murder of innocent children in Newtown Connecticut, especially on the heels of so many such events as the movie theater massacre in Colorado, what happens? Immediately after we are shocked and outraged. We look for who to blame, and then a polarized argument begins. If we can find someone to fire, jail, or send to the gallows, we feel satisfied. . . until the next catastrophe. Usually we are unable to find someone to take the rap (think economic collapse of 2008). In both cases, we rarely address the deeper sources of our problems, there is much sturm und drang, and nothing is accomplished.

Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
And Frantz Fanon said, “There comes a time when silence becomes dishonesty.”
I think that it is important that each of us asks himself or herself, “Should I be doing something about this? Even if I want to do something,what might that be.

Not enough of us “inquire within” at times like these. Instead, we simply add to our internal anxiety and stress, and don’t feel quite as nonchalant about dropping our kids off in school or going to a movie theater or mall. The feelings of separation and disconnection so pandemic in our society increase.

I asked myself that question, and came up with the answer: “I need to use the media tools available to me to pass on, through the global network, all the wisdom and experience I can find.”

Today’s two guests will address two issues – What might be going on at the neurological level in the minds of mass murders like these, and what might we do about finding and treating them? – is the first.

For some answers we will have a conversation with Dr. Daniel Amen, a physician, double board certified psychiatrist, teacher and five time New York Times bestselling author.  He is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on applying brain imaging science to everyday clinical practice.

The second issue has to do with what can we do to help those who have been traumatized by horrific acts like these – whether we are first responders at the scene, or if we have to deal with the families or friends of victims, or even people we know or serve that have been traumatized by just being exposed to the news. For some expert advice we will converse with Dr. Judith Prager, writer, teacher, lecturer, and author of the extraordinary book, The Worst Is Over, verbal first aid to relieve suffering and prevent PTSD in emergency situations.

Two fascinating guests and two fascinating subjects. Discover what you CAN do.

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