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Dr Miller Bhava-Head-Shot03-11-16   Beyond Health to Peak Wellness –Warrior Pose: A Conversation with Bhava Ram

We all bemoan the pathetic state of today’s pandering television news and newscasters. Instead of their being our eyes and ears to tell us the truth about our world, they have sold out to the highest bidder.

But there are heroes, and today’s show features a man who, in my opinion, represents those fine and high qualities of true journalism in the pursuit of truth, human freedom, and compassion. Listen, be moved, and perhaps transformed, and you will be much better able to recognize what a truly excellent journalist can be. Unless we identify and support quality journalism, I fear our downward slide will continue.We all bemoan the pathetic state of today’s pandering television news and newscasters. Instead of there being our eyes and ears to tell us the truth about our world, they have sold out to the highest bidder.

And what is also quite remarkable has been his adventures in Self-healing – his recovery from “terminal” cancer, broken back, and total disability. You will hear all about it in this conversation.

Bhava Ram, is an award-winning war correspondent, who reported from the center of the such wars as those in South Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and the drug wars in South America. You will be fascinated, moved, and inspired to discover the incredible healing experience that guided him to his discovery of Mind-Body medicine through the Letting Go Of Stress CD, and how he used yoga to heal himself deeply, then go on to found a school to pass on the healing wisdom, Deep Yoga  total disability. You will hear all about it in this conversation.

There are few things more pleasing to me than the experience of someone fully in touch with his or her values, and the powered by the authentic desire–or compulsion–to serve. I am especially moved by those who, in responding to the calls from within who are willing to risk their lives and their freedom in the service of what they truly believe in.

Bhava will share with us some of the extraordinary experiences he had while pursuing his goal of bringing public attention and healing support to people around the world whose lives have been wounded or destroyed by war. You will hear how a broken back leading him painfully to total disability, alcoholism, addiction to pain pills, and stage IV cancer from exposure to depleted uranium during the Gulf War. As you listen you will become aware that the show is about you . . . And about me . . . And about that indomitable spirit that dwells within all of us. It is about the power we all have to transform our bodies, our minds and our lives.

Bhava has just released a new book, his memoir, Warrior Pose: How Yoga Literally Saved My Life. We will explore some of the stories drawn from his book, and also glimpse more deeply the heart and soul of this remarkable man: “what spirit within him was moved when he held napalmed children in his arms or watched refugee women unwilling to stop clutching their frozen dead babies? How did that spirit spur him on to serve his fellow man through risking life and limb, and win broadcast journalism’s “Pulitzer Prize” at the same time? How does this same spirit now express itself?

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