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Annie Lisa09-04-20 We are Excited to have Life Transformative Guide, Annie Lisa, as our Guest!

Annie Lisa is a Life Transformation Guide who works with people to access subconscious beliefs that are keeping them stuck in repeating patterns and preventing them from living the life they want. Using a quantum change tool, PSYCH-K®, Annie works with clients to rewrite their self-limiting subconscious programs with self-empowering beliefs that create new potential so they can purposefully create the life they want.

For the last 30 years Annie has explored a range of spiritual modalities from Reiki, to the Silva Method of Mediation and has delved into the mystical world of the Sai Baba of Shirda with healer Nigel Taylor of Australia. She has immersed herself in the study of a host of brilliant spiritual teachers, scientists, mystics, and researchers on a variety of subjects in the realm of quantum physics. Her experience has reshaped and transformed her understanding about our infinite potential as spiritual beings.

Annie was recently featured at the Holistic Wellness and Beyond Expo in Westbrook, Connecticut where Dr. Bernie Siegel was the keynote speaker. Her talks are designed to awaken people through quantum physics education and help them identify and remove fear based beliefs, and embrace the pure knowing that we truly are the creators of our experience. Her mission is to help expand and raise the consciousness of our planet.

For more information, please visit her website:

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