11-06-17 Anaiya Sophia: Sacred Sexual Union
Experience the orgasmic rapture of Sacred Union with your Twin Soul and the Divine • sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and soul awareness to awaken the Love, Power, and Wisdom of your soul, attract your Twin Soul, and satisfy your soul’s longing to reunite with God • teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery schools, and Christ Consciousness • examples of Sacred Union, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Rumi and Shams as well as experiences of modern couples
Anaiya Sophia is a revealer of gnosis. She is a wellspring of sacred wisdom and is mostly known for her ‘ability’ to transmit the Mary Mysteries and the feminine passion contained within the Christ Path. This includes Sacred/Inner Marriage, Sacred Body Awakening, Womb Wisdom and the conjuring of a Divine Fire that illuminates man/woman, body/soul and human/divine. Anaiya carries an oral tradition, a continuous lineage with the Feminine Principle that throughout the centuries has preserved its spiritual dignity, without need for permission or recognition from any other source. www.anaiyasophia.com