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11:11 Talk Radio Archives with Simran Singh

On the Verge: Gabriel Meyer

03-14-25 On the Verge: Gabriel Meyer Are you open to letting go of what you have known? To know what others know… to feel, see and hear the medicine that we each carry. Gabriel’s nomadic adventures across more than 20 countries with his reflections on faith, culture,...

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Becoming Invincible: Howard Falco

03-07-25 Becoming Invincible: Howard Falco "The invincible mind is an incredibly sacred state of being. A place where intuition flourishes and life bends to your will. In this state you have realized your power as a creator and are open to the beauty of life and where...

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Spiritual Aging: Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.

02-28-25 Spiritual Aging: Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. “A human being would certainly not grow to be seventy or eighty years old if this longevity had no meaning for the species.”-Carl Jung "Spiritual aging argues that the primary task of development in the second half of...

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Give Love 24/7… 365: Jacqueline Way

 02-21-25 Give Love 24/7... 365: Jacqueline Way What does it mean to give to a world that needs so much? What does it look like to love those who might behave unlovingly? How do we learn to give others, and also take care of ourtselves? 365give founder, Jacqueline...

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Your Role in Today’s World: SIMRAN

02-14-25 Your Role in Today's World: SIMRAN Relax into the listening and breath that this episode offers as you realign to your true role in today's world. Each time we allow for the organic cyclical movement that is life’s dance, we relax into the river of energy and...

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Ancestral Trauma and Family Constellations: Efu Nyaki

02-07-25 Ancestral Trauma and Family Constellations: Efu Nyaki We all tend to believe in free will. That it is WE who ulti- mately determine our destinies, that we are the captains of our own ships. Unbeknown to us, however, we may be influ- enced by events and...

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The Shift: Into the Aquarian Age: SIMRAN

01-31-25 The Shift: Into the Aquarian Age: SIMRAN The transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age represents a profound shift in humanity’s collective consciousness, values, and societal structures. This change is not instantaneous but occurs gradually over...

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New Year’s Intention: The Power of Doorways

01-24-25 New Year's Intention: The Power of Doorways Enjoy this gift from my heart to yours. Let us meet in the space of intention. "What does your heart truly desire? Where does your spirit wish to roam?" In this enlightening episode, we explore deep questions that...

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The Power of Divine Love with Marc Aronoff

01-17-25 The Power of Divine Love with Marc Aronoff Love is something we all want. Divine Love, is something the deepest part of us years for. How do we bridge the two? And, in daily life, can we access Divine Love on a continual basis? "The God Chord” running through...

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The Satisfied Woman: Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.

 12-20-24 The Satisfied Woman: Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. The 'Satisfied Woman' challenges the conventional wisdom that has long pushed women to model themselves after male-defined notions of success. For centuries, the female struggle for equality has meant fighting for...

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Aikido Teachings of Robert Nadeau: Bob Noha

12-06-24 Aikido Teachings of Robert Nadeau: Bob Noha A widely influential figure in the development of Aikido in America, Robert Nadeau is known as one of the few American direct disciples of Aikido’s founder Morihei Ueshiba Osensei. Now an 8th dan Aikido master...

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Intuition & Inner Wisdom: Happy Ali

11-29-24 Intuition & Inner Wisdom: Happy Ali The ability to thrive amidst a constant barrage of external input lies in our ability to connect with the innate power of our intuition. Each of us has a great resource within that is wired to our life’s purpose, and it...

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Relationships & Astrology: Kate Rose

11-22-24 Relationships & Astrology: Kate Rose Wouldn’t you like a cheat sheet telling you whether a relationship is meant to last? Bestselling author Kate Rose gives you the insight you need to differentiate between soulmate, twin flame, and karmic relationships....

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New Medicine: Dr. Elson Haas

11-15-24 New Medicine: Dr. Elson Haas The health of our young people is particularly important because bad habits learned early can have disastrous short-term and long-term consequences, as we see with the alarming rates of childhood obesity and early onset diabetes....

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Your New Reality: Maureen St. Germain

 11-08-24 Your New Reality: Maureen St. Germain There is a new, amazing game ahead of us. This transformation is a mental and physical exercise that can only be driven by spiritual willingness to shift and change. Your wake-up call helped you recognize your...

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Achieve Enlightenment: Master Del Pe

11-01-24 Achieve Enlightenment: Master Del Pe Meditation, prayers, yoga, vegetarianism and spiritual practices alone can be a waste of your time, resources and effort. They are only pieces of the puzzle which are not assembled to complete the enlightenment formula....

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Eight Directions of The Medicine Wheel

 10-18-24 Eight Directions of The Medicine Wheel Guest: Carlos Philip Glover Our personal transformation serves the collective healing, This is a journey of self-empowerment around the Medicine Wheel of Earth Wisdom - to ignite your spirit fire, awaken new levels of...

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Savoring Aging: Kamla Kapur

 10-11-24 Savoring Aging: Kamla Kapur This is a clarion call to the aging to awaken before they die, embark on the adventure of self-discovery, become warriors on the spiritual path to embrace and ensure safe passage with the ultimate triumph of conscious living and...

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Becoming Fierce: Stephanie James

10-04-24 Becoming Fierce: Stephanie James Embody the powerful, passionate, fiery energy that is the authentic expression of you. Love beyond external circumstances, live fully in the present moment, and fully embody the spark that is you, letting it shine the way for...

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Dying Into Love: Meghan Don

 09-27-24 Dying Into Love: Meghan Don Learn how this presence of love can become your constant companion on one of the greatest of all life journeys, whether you are dying, taking care of the dying, or want to prepare for your death whenever that may come. Drawing on...

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This Month: Book of the Month: White Heron: A Creation Story, author Amy Olmedo

Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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