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featured-writer-seal1Set Your PTSD Free~7 Effective Ways to Heal Trauma by Author Bettina Sparkles Obernuefemannsetyourptsd-cover

How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel unloved?

Do you think you’re stuck in unhappiness?

Are you tired of seeing no purpose in your life?

Are you ready to make changes?

If so, you’ve picked the perfect book to give you a better understanding about trauma, specifically, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. The questions above are ones I asked myself 25 years ago when my problems weighed so heavily on me that I became a desperate seeker.

I also became a finder and would like to share my experiences, what I did, and what worked for me:
I became willing to nurture the relationship with a God of my understanding.
I “put on my own oxygen mask” before assisting others.
I used the AA method to face, embrace, and erase the fear of trauma. …

At the beginning of the recovery process I learned many different concepts and tools. It was like learning a new language. And so it may be for you, dear reader. After all, I’ve compressed many years of learning and present it in concentrated overview. That’s the reason I’d like to suggest that you first read the material quickly to get a good overview. For the second read, be thorough to get a better understanding of the concepts and tools. You might even mark exercises that appeal to you and start with those. Keep Set Your PTSD FREE nearby so you may refer to it when you feel the need to do a particular exercise. …There will be talk of:

Mind/body connection
Adult child/inner child
Introduction 3
Wearing a mask
Smiling on the inside and outside
Trials, traumas, and forgiveness
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Becoming familiar with these meanings is empowering to mend old scars. Set Your PTSD Free is not about denying PTSD; it is actually the opposite. There’s no reason to be ashamed about our reactions to fear. Instead, we can use the obstacles as opportunities to grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

What We Learn Will Set Us Free!
There is no greater agony than
bearing an untold story inside you.
~ Maya Angelou

My mission is to share some of my healing experiences, which led me on a wonderful spiritual journey. When we desire to learn more about ourselves, we may become aware of unresolved traumas and find the courage to face them.

But how and where do I start?
Let’s begin with a question to ourselves.
Are there people or events of the past we have not yet forgiven?
Or did we stuff unhealed hurts?
Whether we remember or have forgotten, we may be carrying a heavy cross of bitterness or PTSD, causing a most unhappy life.
To set ourselves free from old resentments, the mind-changers in this book are of help:
Find the core issues.
Face the issues.
Use tools that prepare us for release with true forgiveness.
Learn to manage accumulative traumas of life.
Love and accept our so-called weaknesses as part of us.
Our minds will be moved from pain to peace.

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My inspiration to write came while I experienced a drastic transformation over 25 years ago.  I had started healing my formerly unknown Child Abuse PTSD and the processes helped me release secrets of inner fear which I had carried most of my life.  It was a like a miracle because until that point I did not believe my unhappiness could be changed. But, once inner peace replaced inner pain, I felt a deep urge let other sufferers know that they too have the power to end their own suffering. I am bubbling over with joy to play a small part to help others take concrete steps to turn their lives around and live a more fulfilled life.

Bettina Sparkles Obernuefemann was born in Germany and presently lives in the beautiful Ozarks near Mountain Home, Arkansas, with her husband Michael. She retired from her beloved 38 year Flight Attendant career in 2003. The author devotes her new free time to writing, a creative effort of blending her love for flying and her dedication to recovery and spirituality.  She shares because she cares. Her main experience was living the first 50 years with inner chaos, undiagnosed PTSD, which evolved from childhood abuse.  She stuffed and suppressed severe pain and fear. Even in this unhappy state of mind she was able to function OK in the world, thinking this is the way life is. But once Bettina Sparkles found out that PTSD caused her unhappiness, she immediately threw herself into healing activities to set her PTSD free. During the past twenty-two years and to this day, she practices the tools which work for her making her feel good inside as well as the outside.The author invites everyone to call her Bettina Sparkles.  Bettina designates her fearful old- self, one who made many mistakes. “Sparkles” designates the acceptance of her former self, one who desires to demonstrate her love for God by sharing hope for overcoming. It’s her passion to show that the Reader also has the power to change and live a better life. Bettina Sparkles believes that all difficulties and overcoming give us purpose.   When we view life as meaningful, we also see it as a beautiful good-feeling spiritual journey.

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