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04-19-17   Devotion and the Key to Happiness

Description: When setting out on the path of Self-discovery, it can seem like a daunting task of undoing all that we thought we knew. We have lots of preconceived ideas about ourselves and the world, and we are now being invited to open up to a whole new way of perceiving everything!

In order to achieve true Happiness we must become devoted to this purpose 100%. Happiness requires trust and a willingness to follow our intuitive inner guide without compromise.

In this episode, mystic David Hoffmeister shares how by following the Spirit in this Purpose, he was led around the world to spend time with many dedicated A Course in Miracles teachers and students. He shares some of the pitfalls the ego mind can get into and how everything always works together for good. By opening to the perception that we all share only one mind, he was able to move through the ego’s games and enter into a deep state of consistent peace.

This recording of David Hoffmeister took place on February 11, 2017 during the Happy Dream Retreat in Los Angeles, California.

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